Media & Reports
On this page you will find a number of media resources, including logos, press packs, photos and reports.
Laureate reports

Biennial Report 2022–2023
In this report we share the incredible work of our seventh Laureate, Gabrielle Wang. Gabi had enormous impact on people of all ages as she combined her own experiences growing up as a Chinese-Australian with her passion for children's writing and illustration, and her theme 'Imagine a Story'. The report also highlights important work behind the scenes by the Children's Laureate Foundation.

Biennial Report 2020–2021
This comprehensive report outlines the incredible reach and impact of our sixth Laureate, Ursula Dubosarsky. Ursula's theme 'Read For Your Life!' resonated strongly with a community faced with a world changing daily due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Biennial Report 2018–2019
This report heralds the official end of the term of our fifth Laureate, Morris Gleitzman. Morris’s project, Stories Make Us, encouraged young people to explore the ways in which stories shape our lives and it provided a wonderful springboard for each month of Morris’s term.
Other reports
ACLF Strategic Plan 2024–2025 (contact for more information)
Laureate Summit
Cover Books in Nutella: and and other creative ways to encourage children to read
Published by the Commissioner for Childen and Young People SA

This report follows an event held by the Commissioner Helen Connolly in partnership with the ACLF on ways to encourage young people to read more. It follows an event held at the State Library of SA. Under the guidance of Children's Laureate Ursula Dubosarsky and illustrator Andrew Joyner, approximately 100 children aged 8–10 years participated in the Children's Stories event.
Watch a video summary of the event here
Download 'Cover Books in Nutella' here